Mysteries of Immortal Puppet Master/

Chapter 127 Chapter 127: Guard Against Pride and Impatience (Complete Version)

The morning light illuminates the city

Clouds and mist entwined at the top of the mountain, but they could not hide the more frequent vibrations.

It had been some time since the Lava Fairy Palace was exploded. More and more people who knew about it began to understand."Is that Fairy Palace stirring again?"

Meng Kui looked down at the Immortal Palace and quietly watched the Crimson Flame Demonic Beasts appear continuously, attacking the defensive line of the Immortal Palace.

ning family

The Ning family ancestor stared at the mountain peak. After a while, he received a report from the clan leader.

"The Zhou Family's two Jindan Stage Cultivators and the Zheng Family's two Jindan Stage Cultivators have entered the formation?"

"What a coincidence?"

The Ning Family Patriarch shook his head slightly. Regardless of whether this information was true or false, he decided to investigate it personally.

Ever since Meng Kui sealed Lightning and personally took charge, the Ning Family Patriarch had not entered the Immortal Palace for a long time.

"Boss Sun didn't reply to me?"

Most of the night had passed, but Ning Zhuo had not received Sun Lingtong's reply.

He frowned deeply. This was unusual.

Ning Zhuo paced the room with his hands behind his back

After walking a few rounds, he summoned his servant."There's quite a commotion on the top of this mountain. What's going on?"

"Go and inquire. If you have any other important news, report it together!"

Soon after, the servant brought the breaking news

Ning Zhuo got what he wanted

"Zhu Xuanji found Boss Sun?"

"Boss Sun deliberately spread his record of forcing Zhu Xuanji to retreat. He's telling me his current situation.

"Boss Sun was born in a non-empty family and has an empty seal.

Even if Zhu Xuanji gave up his principles and did not care about his face, he would not be able to find anything if he forcefully searched his soul without evidence!"

"He still doesn't reply to me. What happened?"

Ning Zhuo frowned."Let's wait and see!"

Trust each other, this is the agreement between the two people, but also from more than ten years ago began to cultivate tacit understanding

Ning Zhuo was only two years old at that time

One day, Sun Lingtong returned wounded.

"What are you doing?"

He noticed Ning Zhuo was taking care of a small package, and his face darkened.

From this package, he saw the materials that entered the Red Flame Demon Cave.

Ning Zhuo cried out in surprise,"Brother Sun, you're back. I was just about to find you!"


Sun Lingtong couldn't help but give Ning Zhuo a burst of fear.

"I'm going to collapse the Crimson Flame Demon Cave. That's because I'm capable!"

"What are you going to do? Feed demonic beasts?"

"You don't know your place, you're fooling around!"

Ning Zhuo's meaty hands covered his forehead and said in a wronged voice,"But, Brother Sun, you've been gone for so long this time. You've been missing for seven days!"

Sun Lingtong's expression darkened.

After his injuries healed, he would sneak into the Red Flame Demon Cave every few days to search for his master without any success.

This time, the tunnel he entered collapsed in the middle

Fortunately, Sun Lingtong was rushing back at that time and decisively used the Void Piercing Technique continuously. Only then did she pass through the collapsed road and save her life.

However, it would not be easy for him to find the Lava Asgard next.

We have to rediscover the right path.

Of course, there's no need to talk to a 2-year-old about these worries.

Sun Lingtong patted his chest and smiled at Ning Zhuo: "You have to believe me, brother, I am very strong."

"How about this? From now on, we'll agree on ten days.

"I'll definitely be back within ten days!"

So, as long as it doesn't exceed ten days, don't worry! I'm sure I'll be fine!"

And then he said,"I know."

"Did you find your master this time?"

Sun Lingtong: "Although I haven't seen my master, I left some talismans in the corridor. If master leaves the palace, he should be able to sense it, right?"

Cough cough!"

Sun Lingtong's aura weakened."I've suffered internal injuries this time. Please brew some medicine for me. This is the recipe. I need to replenish qi urgently!"

Ning Zhuo looked at the recipe and found that he was short of herbs, so he went out to buy some.

After Sun Lingtong tested, he found that many of them were fake drugs.

He asked Ning Zhuo about the whole process of buying medicine. He shook his head helplessly and pointed out,"You're a child. You go to a small vendor with your face covered. Everyone knows that you have a problem!"

"Next time you go to the Great Medicine Workshop, go openly and take out your Ning Family's waist token!"

"If you pretend to buy medicine for your family's adults, no one will make things difficult for you. They will even give you real medicinal herbs!"

"Although you are very smart, you lack experience in doing things!"

The Ning family had arrived!

The visitor smiled and spoke softly to Ning Zhuo, trying to coax him into signing the contract.

Sun Lingtong had already found out about this matter and informed Ning Zhuo of the solution.

Ning Zhuo's plan attracted Uncle Ning's responsibility

Ning rebuked his face as cold as frost, and personally came forward to berate and destroy the plan of the incoming party.

But afterwards, he could not restrain Wang Lan.

The latter ran to the Ancestral Hall and caused a ruckus, causing the relevant elders to lose face on the spot.

Ning Zhuo said to Sun Lingtong,"Things have become so big that I am afraid I will have to live with Uncle."

Oh, I don't want to do that at all!"

Sun Lingtong patted him on the shoulder and comforted him,"Don't worry, you can't do this transfer of household registration."

"I'm afraid you'll have to stay here for a long time!"

Ning Zhuo was curious,"Why?"

Sun Lingtong explained,"On the surface, the position of the clan elder of the Ancestral Hall has been removed, but he is still the clan elder, coming from the main vein, and his relationship is deep. He is just putting on a show, temporarily frozen, and will definitely rise again in the future."

"Your aunt caused a ruckus and caused the Ancestral Hall's reputation to suffer greatly. However, the Ning family branch has no powerful mission or faction to urge the Ancestral Hall to change its actions!"

"Therefore, there is a high probability that the Ancestral Hall will make a mistake. It will be tough to the end and test the reaction of the Ning family branch!"

"If the reaction is not fierce, then they will seize your household registration as an example.

Although you will always be transferred to uncle's house in the future, it will definitely drag on as long as possible.

"Your aunt did something wrong! But she might not have done it unintentionally!"

Ning Zhuo opened his mouth slightly and was dumbfounded.

Sun Lingtong looked at him and patted him on the shoulder."This is my lord's world!"

"You're too young. You're only two years old!"

"Although you are very smart, my lord is cunning!"

"You still have a lot to learn!"

"For example, do you know the difference between sects, families, sects, and countries? Do you know how these forces operate?"

Ning Zhuo could only shake his head and ask in confusion,"Is this important?"

Sun Lingtong's face was serious: "Very important."

He smiled and said,"Come on, let me tell you something."

Ning Zhuo sighed to himself!

Sun Lingtong explained to him the common sense of power. He remembered it vividly, as if it had happened yesterday.

"Most gangs put profit first. The first generation leader of Monkey King Gang has a strong personal charm, but he is already dead!"

"Second generation Sect Leader Yuan Er is hard to convince, especially after Yuan Dasheng died!"

"Outside, there are old enemies, hatred, and revenge.

"Internally, there are powerful elders who are not convinced by Yuan Er and covet the Sect Leader's throne!"

"Yuan Er has internal problems and external problems!"

"Boss Sun hasn't responded yet. I'll arrange my troops first!"

Ning Zhuo waited for Sun Lingtong's reply while controlling the tree fighting ape to win. He tried to sneak into the Monkey King Gang's base.

He's familiar with the Monkey Gang.

As it turned out, it worked after a short try

He commanded the tree fighting ape to enter the inner perimeter of the station smoothly, very close to Yuan Er.

"I didn't expect the defense of Monkey Gang's base to be so lax.

"The Fire Peristle Festival was defeated, Yuan Dasheng died, the reputation of the entire Monkey King Gang was greatly weakened, and the morale of the gang members was lost.

"People are so scattered. Even the defense of the base camp is so poor!"

"No, that's not right!"

"Perhaps this isn't purely a relaxation. It's very likely that an elder took action and deliberately set it up like this!"

Ning Zhuo analyzed for a moment and thought of a possibility.

The more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

"If the sect elders colluded with their old enemies to assassinate Yuan Er, there would be no need for me to trouble Boss Sun!"

"This way, it can save me a lot of trouble!"

Black market!

Sun Lingtong's residence

inside the house

Yin filled the entire hall

Cha Cha was like a temple god. His gaze was like a spear piercing through Sun Lingtong's soul and plundering his memories.

Ning Zhuo gradually grew up, reached the grade, after testing, has a spiritual root, went to school

He's boarding at his uncle's house, and life is depressing.

Sun Lingtong relied on the spell of the Non-Void Gate to secretly meet him every once in a while.

This is the brightest light in Ning Zhuo's dark life

Sun Lingtong stared at Ning Zhuo's performance evaluation with a sharp gaze."Little Zhuo, why are your results so good this time?"

"Have you forgotten what your mother told you before she died?"

"You have to hide yourself!"

Ning Zhuo lowered his head."But the academy elder is a good person. He often encourages me and hopes that I can do better in the exam!"

"There are also those classmates who always laugh at my poor grades and don't play with me. They think I'm stupid!"

"But I'm obviously much smarter than them!"

"I want to show them some strength and impress them!"

Sun Lingtong sighed in her heart,"Little Zhuo is indeed smart enough, but children can't control themselves and are easily provoked."

"How should I persuade him?"

"No matter how hard you try, it's not safe.

Sun Lingtong thought for a moment and decided to threaten him."Little Zhuo, you're not far from death!"

Ning Zhuo was immediately frightened."Ah?"

Sun Lingtong's face darkened. She cited many examples, telling him that many geniuses had been killed by jealous people, refined into pills, or refined into weapons.

"You acted too abruptly in school. It's very likely that you'll attract suspicion and judge your talent. They'll kill you."

Ning Zhuo was so frightened that his face turned pale and he broke out in cold sweat."But, but Ning Xiaohui has talent too!"

"Humph, I'm the main branch, you're a branch! My grandmother is the elder, what about you?"

"Have you forgotten what I taught you about cultivation families?"

"Have you forgotten the Ning family's current situation that I analyzed for you?"

Ning Zhuo shook his head repeatedly!

"Come, compete with me!" Sun Lingtong thought for a moment, but she was still worried. She decided to use another strong medicine.

According to the content of the school exam, Sun Lingtong did everything in front of Ning Zhuo.

The results were naturally excellent, and Ning Zhuo was thrown out of sight.

Sun Lingtong said,"I'm only one year older than you. Look at my results. Am I proud? Am I complacent?"

Ning Zhuo's face was pale, as if he had lost his mind. Soul Ring shook his head.

Sun Lingtong patted Ning Zhuo's shoulder and said,"Your Ning Family is too few. Among the cultivation families in the Fiery Peristle Immortal City, you are only ranked last.

"Compared to your classmates, you may be quite outstanding, but how do you compare to all the children in the entire Immortal City?"

"The Fire Peristle Immortal City is only a corner of the world, it is a new city that has just been built in the past hundred years in the Southern Bean Immortal Empire.

"How do you compare to the children in the old city?"

"Think about it again. This is only the Southern Bean Kingdom. What about other countries besides this country?"

"Can you rank high in these countries?"

Sun Lingtong raised a few fingers and shook them."No!" she said with certainty.

"You can't even beat me, so don't be complacent!"

"Let me tell you, that's all I can be in South Bean Country.


Sun Lingtong pinched out the tip of her pinky and berated herself crazily.

Ning Zhuo's face was pale and his forehead was covered with sweat.

Sun Lingtong saw the effect received and patted Ning Zhuo's shoulder satisfactorily: "You must know that there is someone beyond people, and there is a sky beyond heaven."

"Arrogant people are idiots!"

"You must always be modest, open-minded, and lower your mentality to recognize reality, to receive strange knowledge faster, and to grow up faster."

Speaking of which, Sun Lingtong had already made up her mind that she would personally enter the arena every once in a while to compete with Ning Zhuo.

Keep him on his toes.

Ning Zhuo was silent for a long time. Finally, he looked up at Sun Lingtong. His voice was hoarse."Brother Sun, I was wrong. My mother always warned me before she died."

Sun Lingtong sighed,"These words were actually taught by my master."

The two of them looked at each other and fell silent for a moment.

End of chapter

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