I Slay Demons in the Demon City/

Chapter 105 Lift Your Veil (E)

As a citizen of the Great Ming Kingdom, Ma Ji feels obligated to do something about it.

Although the wheel of history rolls forward, not manpower can stop the change, Ma Ji still can not sit idly by and do nothing.

Knowing the fate of the heavens and doing his best, the rise and fall of the world is the responsibility of every man, Ma Ji is serious at this moment.

"That's great! Brother Ma Ji, I believe you will definitely promise me!" Zhu'er couldn't help but grab Ma Ji's hand and burst into tears of excitement.

She knew that Ma Ji had the Demon Slaying Sword, and when the Sword came out, the heads of demons and monsters would roll off without exception!

Is it possible that the demons and devils of the Great Ming Kingdom are harder to kill than those of the Rakshasa Kingdom?

Ma Ji silently drew back his hand, so that Zhu'er flew red, seems to be very reserved, there is a loss of a Princess's demeanor, not moving to Ma Ji up and down.

"Ma Ji brother, between us is not brother and sister, I actually the 1st time I saw you, I hope to be able to be with you for a long time, spend this life together ......"

Zhu'er's voice is like a mosquito, but Ma Ji listened to it, but it is like a thunderclap.

God knows how much courage the girl Zhu'er had to muster up to say these words of love!

Ma Ji was so touched!

What can they do, can make the country's beautiful Kun Yi Princess happy 1 life?

In addition, the fate of the country of the Ming Dynasty, how much they can restore?

By then, I'm afraid to let Kun Yi Princess disappointed!

Thinking about it, Ma Ji cupped his fists to Zhu'er and said.

"Your Highness ...... Zhu'er, thank you for your favor.

Now the war is raging in the Ming Dynasty, the Rakshasa Kingdom return to the thorns and thistles, the danger of many obstacles, I really do not want to hope for the love of a child.

However, tomorrow will start to embark on the journey, we set off together, face the storm together, are you ready?"

Pearl heart good not disappointed, Ma Ji this is politely reject their love?

However, Ma Ji said not unreasonable, so the stormy, turbulent times, who dare to ask for a long time?

Can survive, and then talk about other it!

Besides, Ma Ji promised to take himself to find his way home, isn't this exactly the purpose of his late-night visit to Ma Ji?

"Brother Ma Ji, I'm so happy, you've promised to take me to the end of the world!

What do I need to prepare? As long as I'm with you, I'm not afraid of any difficulties!

...... Brother Ma Ji, since the two of us are traveling the world together, we have to have a name, right?

If people ask me what I am to you, will you still say I am your sister?

Although we now do not talk about children's love, but do a nominal immortal couple, will not let you difficult right?"

Ma Ji instantly1 had a headache.

It seems that Zhu'er is determined to take herself as her lifelong entrusted aspire!

"Then ...... let's walk the rivers and lakes in the name of friends! Girlfriend is always fine, right?" Ma Ji scratched his head and came up with a compromise.

"Girlfriend? What does that mean? Hee hee ...... well, it still sounds quite special to call, then you are my boyfriend isn't it?"

Pearl's Daming country, there is no "girlfriend boyfriend" such a call, Rakshasa country also does not, so in Pearl's view, Ma Ji recognized himself as beyond the sister relationship on the line.

Ma Ji didn't dare to discuss the topic of boyfriend-girlfriend with Zhu'er too much, waved his hand and said: "That's it!

"That's it! Tomorrow 1 morning we will go down the mountain, first go to the county government office gate, we then go to the capital city 1 time, then go to the East Wasteland secret realm walk 1 time.



Martial law in the county was lifted after 5 days.

The county hospital building was cleaned, both the building and the medical staff, and reopened after 1 cleaning.

At the opening ceremony, the county governor made a passionate speech.

"After the joint enforcement of all departments of the county government, with the cooperation and support of the general public, the remodeling of the county national hospital was a complete success!

Starting from today, the county national hospital is under the management of the county government, and we will implement free medical care.

So that every resident of Huilong County Town, regardless of noble or lowly, regardless of male or female, young or old, will be able to realize high-quality and attentive free medical services!"


Applause thundered!

The people of the county cheered and ran to tell each other that from now on, they would never have to worry and fret about getting sick again!

Free medical care is a revolutionary creation, unprecedented in the entire Rakshasa Kingdom, and with such a forward-thinking concept, Governor Cao clearly accepted Ma Ji's proposal .


Next, the much-anticipated inaugural speech of the new hospital director.

Governor Cao announced.

"Now, let's give a warm round of applause to welcome the new hospital director to the stage to give his report!"

Until then, no one knew who the new director was.

Many good people speculated that it would be the new dean of the Prefecture's public school parachuted down, which was the usual practice.

This is how the Bat King took office, with a ten year term, making the people of the county suffer, even the civil servants in the government offices were exploited by the county hospital at every level, not to mention the general public!

Everyone waited with baited breath, until now, do not know the new dean is what God, 1 never appeared on the podium, the dean of the throne of the Lord, 1 straight empty, false position ah!

In the warm applause, the hospital 1 floor of the courtyard, originally crowded crowd, suddenly issued a burst of exclamation.

Because, 1 boulder, breaking out of the ground!

Wide 5 meters high ten meters boulder rising, everyone was stunned !

Only the podium Cao Governor, Inspector Cao Charlie, as well as a rare 9 crazy abbot 1 face calm, seems to be accustomed to big scenes, is already not strange, the mountain crumbled in front of the face without changing color.

The other officials on the stage and even Xu Zhuo each 1 face surprised, why the county master so calm, not to issue orders to take some emergency measures?

Not a moment, ten meters high stone completely exposed to the ground, the entire boulder crystal clear, gray color, like a huge piece of ancient jade out of the ground, that is a huge wealth, waiting for people to exploit the development.

Suddenly, the surface of the boulder is full of color and light, as if the stars are scattered, a radiant light.

At once let the whole meeting site, more than ten thousand viewers, are brightly illuminated, let a person's blood boiling up.

At the same time, the huge jade above the milky white gas steam, in a burst of inexplicable whirlwind instantly diffuse, smoke curls, let a person like being in a fairyland.

The gas contains the energy that makes people intoxicated, inhaled into the lungs and bowels, people all over the body a burst of comfort, more than the massage parlor's beautiful young lady service for two hours to let a person drift away.

"Bang!" The sound of 1, the jade bottom of a portal open, from inside out of the three mysterious people.

Each of them was clad in white robes, and the hoods of the robes wrapped around their faces, making it impossible to see their faces.

These three mysterious people walked through the crowd, straight to the podium, and then from a side staircase to the podium.

The whole time, no one said a word.

Everyone seemed to be stunned, or rather, controlled by some powerful invisible force, and could not think about the identity of the visitors, let alone take any action---.

Wan 1 these 3 people are assassins?

Wan 1 what if these 3 people were extremely ****?

However, on the podium, there were the two pins of the sea, Prefect Cao and Abbot 9 Crazy, both of them were 1 face calm, with smiles, and their gazes were filled with the colors of appreciation and joy .

So what else is there to worry about?

3 white-robed men walked up to the podium, walked straight towards the dean's throne, and then stopped .

One of the white-robed men stood in front of the dean's throne, while the other two white-robed men stood on the left and right.

It seems that the white-robed man in the center is the new dean.

As expected, Governor Cao's excited voice rang out over the loudspeaker.

"Now, please invite our honorable president of the county's national hospital to speak!"

This time there was no warm applause, tens of thousands of people held their breath and looked at the white-robed man on the podium without blinking.

The new president of the national hospital so windy and posh appearance, successfully aroused the curiosity of all people.

Even Xu Zhuo, the No. 1 dude in Fu Cheng who was used to seeing strange scenarios, marveled from the bottom of his heart.

"Ness! Must worship to learn from!

At least, I can't find such a big and complete jade stone, so I guess I can only go to the East Wasteland secret realm to try my luck.


Anyone who can go to the 8 Great Wastelands and come back alive is a favorite of the heavens.

Someone who can come back alive and still bring back the spoils of war, that can only be called the Chosen Son of Heaven !

Could it be that this newly appointed hospital director is the legendary Chosen Son?

All eyes are on him.

All expect the white-robed man in front of the dean's throne to lift up his white cover!


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